Brazil Nut

The seeds obtained from the bertoletta tree, which grows in South America, are called Brazil nut (southern), or nut de para (chestnut). They grow in pods and are not true nuts. The fruit has long been popular for its delicious taste, high energy value and health benefits. They belong to the high-calorie food group, which is why they are called “vegetable meat”.
Chemical composition
To answer the question of why Brazil nuts are useful, it is necessary to study their composition. The product contains proteins, vitamins (C, E, group B), antioxidants, flavonoids, micro- and macronutrients, betaine, polyunsaturated fatty acids and dietary fibre. Chestnuts are prized for their record-breaking selenium content (100 grams is 27 times the daily norm), which can inhibit or even completely stop the growth of malignant tumours.
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What are the health benefits of Brazil nuts?
Due to its rich composition, Brazil nuts have pronounced benefits for the human body:
- Strengthens the immune system;
- Boosts the metabolism;
- Stops inflammatory processes;
- Reduces blood pressure;
- Improves blood composition;
- Increases haemoglobin;
- Neutralises free radicals;
- Removes heavy metals from the body;
- Reduce cholesterol levels;
- Reduces blood glucose concentration tones blood vessel walls;
- Stimulates intestinal peristalsis;
- Prevents constipation;
- Reduces the risk of inflammation;
- Reduces the occurrence of respiratory diseases;
- Promotes cancer prevention;
- Slows the progression of HIV to AIDS.
The unique Brazil nut will be especially beneficial for adolescents: it activates growth hormone synthesis, improves memory and thought processes. It is also beneficial for athletes and women, as it improves training efficiency.
Thanks to its antioxidant properties, horse chestnut slows age-related changes and minimises the risk of senile dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. It also significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, anaemia) and diabetes.
Despite their high calorie content (650 kilocalories per 100 grams), the seeds contribute to weight loss, eliminating the feeling of hunger for a long time. If consumed regularly, they help to maintain good health, a slim figure and beautiful skin.
Benefits for women and men
The high concentration of fatty acids and selenium in Brazil nuts explains their benefits for women. They inhibit the ageing process and have a rejuvenating effect, improve the condition of the skin, make it smoother, more elastic and firmer, eliminate rashes, make hair lush and silky, strengthen nails and help combat stress and depression.
And also:
- normalises hormones;
- promotes oocyte maturation;
- prolongs reproductive age;
- increases the likelihood of conception;
- relieves premenstrual and menopausal syndromes;
- helps eliminate infertility.
Pregnant women should also include this nut in their diet. It ensures proper foetal development, prevents the occurrence of mutations that cause malformations, reduces the risk of premature birth, eliminates toxicosis and relieves postpartum depression.
The high vitamin E content in Brazil nuts leads to beneficial properties for men, which is beneficial for reproductive function. It restores testicular function, increases the concentration of testosterone (male sex hormone), increases sperm motility, minimises the risk of developing adenoma, prostatitis and prostate cancer.
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